Morris View Healthcare Center is Excited To Announce We Are Covid Free!
The past three months have been a very difficult period for everyone, across our nation and around the world. With hopeful signs that this pandemic is on its way out, Morris View is proud to say that our center is now COVID FREE!
Early on, at the very start of this crisis, we closed our doors to visitors and family members, well before the Governor’s order to do so. That was a very difficult decision as we knew our family members and residents would be devastated to not be able to see each other, but our overriding and primary concern was the safety of our residents.
It took a lot of perseverance, vigilance, teamwork and support from corporate Allaire Healthcare to prevent the spread of this virus and keep morale high. In consultation with the local and State Department of Health, doctors and consultants, we implemented a range of safety measures and infection control protocols. We immediately started taking our staff’s temperature daily, in addition to monitoring each resident’s temperature. We made sure masks and proper PPE wear and hand sanitizer was available throughout our building. In-services were scheduled regularly, to educate our staff on how to properly wear their PPE, remove it and dispose of it, as well as proper handwashing and infection control protocols. Residents remained in their rooms and FaceTime communication with their loved ones – facilitated by our Recreation Staff – became the new norm. Family members were kept abreast of all developments via ongoing letters, phone calls and email blasts.
We are deeply saddened by those that we have lost here and they will be missed each and every day. Our prayers go out to them and their families. It was a trying time for our staff, but they stepped up to the plate and did what needed to be done. We are truly grateful that the worst is behind us! All our staff and residents have been tested and are negative and Covid-Free! We continue to wear our masks and PPE and have our temperatures taken daily. Our center is still not opened to the public, but we are now able to arrange outdoor visitation following the Governors guidelines. We look forward to the time when we can once again open our doors to family and friends. We owe this success to the hard work and dedication of all our staff at Morris View, and the guidance we received from our amazing Administrator, DON and Department Heads.