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To coordinate and ensure a smooth transition, our admissions team interfaces closely with your family, hospital, physicians, and social service agency. We understand that this process can be fraught with anxiety and stress; we do our utmost to make your admission experience a pleasant one. Don’t hesitate to broach any questions or concerns you may have. Our Admissions Department can be reached at 973-285-2800.

New admissions are welcome 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We accept Medicare, Medicaid, private pay, and most insurances.


Non-Discriminatory Policy

It is the policy of Morris View Healthcare Center not to discriminate because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, handicap, disability, blindness, source of sponsorship, source of payment, marital status, age, sexual preference, genetic disposition, or carrier status in employment or the admission, retention, and care of residents and patients. All persons and organizations that have occasion to either refer prospective residents or patients to this facility are advised to do so without regard to the person’s race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, handicap, disability, blindness, source of sponsorship, source of payment, marital status, age, sexual preference, genetic disposition, or carrier status.

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